About Camp

Our Mission

The Orange County Foundation for Oncology Children and Families (OCF-OCF) is a dedicated non-profit organization situated in Southern California. Since 1982, OCF-OCF has provided vital support and activities at no cost to pediatric cancer patients and their families. With a strong commitment to transforming fear into hope, they offer year-round recreational and social events, including the renowned “World’s Greatest Camp.” Families choose OCF-OCF for their compassionate, volunteer-driven approach that fosters community and connections, ensuring that no one faces the challenges of pediatric cancer alone. OCF-OCF events are available to the immediate family members of a Southern California resident who has been effected by pediatric cancer patients, whether your child is currently going through treatment, is in remission, or has passed.

Our Impact

I found out about OCF-OCF while volunteering at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County in the oncology playroom where I got to know a 3-year-old boy and his family. They suggested that I consider helping at an oncology camp they attended and now 26 years later, I am still volunteering as a camp counselor and a member of the board. Words cannot capture the profound impact this organization and these children have had on my life. That same boy whose family told me about OCF-OCF was one of the groomsmen at my wedding in 2007.
Fun memories from camp: singing, dancing and being brought in as a family around the campfire; being able to play games and do activities with my counselors; being able to find friends at camp who I still talk to and hang out with outside of camp. I was always able to laugh, have a good time, and come home with plenty of stories to tell my family. I love OCF-OCF and that they consider me their family.
Camp OCF-OCF gives our family time away from everyday life to forget about our worries and have fun. Seven years ago we joined the OCF family during my sons first diagnosis, and we are so grateful to still be a part of it now during his relapse. There are no words to truly understand the impact that camp has on our family. We are so blessed to be able to attend camp year after year.

Our Sponsors

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